In the heart-pounding world of Monster Panic, prepare for a non-stop thrill ride through a fast-paced Rogue-like experience! As the hero of this epic adventure, you’ll face a relentless onslaught of monstrous foes as you strive to survive and emerge …
Valiant Tactics EX-CODEX
Command your army in intense, fast-paced battles where quick thinking and tactical decisions are crucial to victory. Assemble your deck of powerful cards, each representing a unique unit or spell, and strategically deploy them on the battlefield to outsmart your …
Nyanzou & Kumakichi Bomb Cave-CODEX
Embark on an exhilarating adventure in Nyanzou & Kumakichi Bomb Cave, a thrilling new video game that will have you on the edge of your seat! Join Nyanzou, the fearless cat ninja, and Kumakichi, the daring bear samurai, as they …
Distant Bloom-CODEX
In this thought-provoking management game, you must unravel the secrets of this planet and harness the power of botanical wonders to restore its lost beauty. Cultivate unique flora with extraordinary abilities, from healing powers to energy sources, and watch as …
The Last Explorer-CODEX
In this innovative game, immerse yourself in a tapestry of exploration as you traverse the lush landscapes, dive into the azure waters, and soar through the skies to uncover the truth behind the wreckage of your doomed vessel. Take up …