Category Archives: PC GAMES

Moons of Madness-CODEX

You begin seeing and hearing things that aren’t there. Visions, hallucinations – or is that even what it is? Is this real… or are you slowly descending into madness?

You are Shane Newehart, an engineer stationed at Trailblazer Alpha and

The Wonderful 101 Remastered-CODEX

The Wonderful 101 was also part of the Hero Trilogy, with the Viewtiful Joe games being part of that and the latest instalment being the recently announced Project G.G. So if you want to control a small army of heroes

Zombie Army 4 Dead War-CODEX

The X-Ray Kill Camera returns! Watch in gory-ous slow motion as bullets, bombs and more destroy bones and organs in X-ray. Marvel as your bullets tear off a rotten limb or two, and shiver as the dead KEEP COMING!


Population Zero-CODEX

Population Zero is an online game about the struggle for survival in a dangerous alien world: the community of players will be divided into colonies and factions, constantly conflicting with each other for territories, resources and technologies. You will be

New World-CODEX

Wars are the player-versus-player side of the game you do not have to participate in, but which sound exciting to me. “Our wars are 50 versus 50,” Lane said, “or 50 players versus hundreds of AI attacking you. Basically what …

GhostWire Tokyo-CODEX

The team behind this new paranormal adventure brought us The Evil Within 2 and the previous game. Both Shinji Mikami and Ikumi Nakurma both have a long history within the industry. Mikami, who’s the executive producer and founder of Tango