Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II-CODEX

Do you have what it takes to join the battle against the darkness, to journey through the depths of your soul, and emerge, transformed? Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II awaits, beckoning you to seize your destiny and redefine what it means …

Project D: Human Risen-CODEX

Unleash your insatiable curiosity in a breathtaking open-world, littered with hidden treasures, dangerous foes, and awe-inspiring discoveries. Traverse sprawling landscapes, scaling towering mountains, and venturing into uncharted territories teeming with unique wildlife and unearthly anomalies.

Prepare to be immersed in …


In Everwild, prepare to be transported into a mesmerizing realm where the wonders of nature flourish and secrets unravel at every turn. Created by the ingenious minds at Rare, this groundbreaking masterpiece is a testament to the enduring beauty of …

Fata Deum-CODEX

With untold realms to conquer, celestial battles to wage, and sovereign power to wield, Fata Deum challenges you to shape your own destiny and etch your name into the annals of history. Will you embrace the light or succumb to …


But the true heart of Beast lies in its captivating storyline, woven with delicate threads of intrigue, betrayal, and redemption. Unravel the secrets and mysteries of this plague-infested land, uncovering the hidden truths that bind its people in religious fervor. …

Pigeon Simulator-CODEX

But Pigeon Simulator is not all about mindless destruction. Beneath the chaos lies a heartwarming narrative, as our feathered protagonist endeavors to find love amidst the chaos. Engage in captivating pigeon courtship rituals, complete with fancy displays and melodic cooing, …